Thursday, February 21, 2008


I had some trouble deciding what to get for lunch, but in the end i got a $1.00 amazing breadloaf from Cottage Inn, came home and made a natural peanut butter and blackberry preserve (from the Valentine's day gift from my parents :) ) sandwich. DELICIOUS. I made the right chioce.

So I was thinking about neopets today. Now you're all nodding to yourselves knowingly, thinking how right you were when you said back in the day that I was obsessed. I'm not. So there.

Anyway. Neopets is really great because it actually is  a fun imitation of real life with a working economical system. i thought of this today because I was thinking about buying...something...checks. That was it. I don't need any yet though (this is a rambly post, apparently). But yes, so I was looking at an ad for checks that say "only $5.00!" and wondering how one knows that's a good price. Then I realized a viable way is to go online and search for checks and compare prices...LIKE YOU DO WITH THE NEOSHOPWIZARD!

In conclusion, you should all play neopets.

Next week is our Spring break. On Monday I'll be getting surgery, woo. I'm really seriously considering taking this next year off (my original plan!) because it's been way too stressful trying to figure out which groups to trust and which not to. Besides, I'm still working on getting through the semester.

Sorry this post is rambly. Hugs to all, and to all a good night.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I decided to start my teach for america app for this year instead of next year, and since the deadline is the 15th, I did a lot of it today.

Today was a crazy hectic day.

I've learend so much and had such and incredible life already...if the aliens DO take over, I'll have enough good memories to keep myself occupied.

I love how my conversations with Joeston continue to keep me occupied long after I've had them. I don't think Joeston was actually the new nickname we agreed on.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Procrastination station!

My family sent me Valentine's Day treats! It was so sweet (no pun intended!). I'm excited to try all the jellies. They are the best:) I love you guys!

Another 8:30-5 Monday awaits. It'll be fun though. Work is always fun:)

This post is scaaattered. I made myself a profile though! Woooot!

Anyway, I'll update again soon.

German is the best language ever because every compound word is a bad pun.

Shwinefleisch=pork. Hee hee.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Apparently I can't put cyrano's meme here, because I don't know how to copy-paste in blogspot yet.

I am tired, and have been alll week. It feels like it should be Thursday. How is it not Thursday? German is getting tougher, but it's still fun. 

I;ve been really touchy about stuff lately cause I feel a lot of the times like I'm on the brink of not caring about school again and I have to keep pushing... I don't know. Whatever.

Everyone's been saying Spanish is an easy language. I don't really know how to feel about that. I haven't known how to feel about a lot of things lately... I just feel kind of lost. Whatever. I'm starting to think I should become certified as a math teacher just to show myself I can. It seems like every step I take someone's saying (even if it's just me), "Well, it's lucky that wasn't actually hard, or I don't know what you'd do." And someone else is always saying, "How do you get it all done?" I kinda feel like the latter is just a nice thing to say and the former is closer to the truth but... I don't know. I don't think I'm dumb. I could be wrong. 

I'M SO INSECURE. It's hard to fight against it when you think you're probably right.

Monday, February 4, 2008

(In an aim conversation)
Alan: Sometimes, i feel like you're not really communicating with me but instead are trying to write a poem
Alan: No wait. That's most of the time.

That made me laugh hard. The best truths make the finest jokes. Or somesuch.

Today I said I was doing wonderfully in German class, as a response to "Wie gehts?" and when asked why I said "Heute ist Montag!" (today is Monday). Luckily he knew I was full of something that isn't equivalent to truth.